Southeast Denver Mobility Hubs Study
Transit stations along the major I-25 corridor in Denver were identified as locations that will be epicenters of transportation innovation and will create more connected, equitable, and accessible neighborhoods. These “Transportation Mobility Hubs” will be community focal points that seamlessly integrate various transportation modes, provide supportive multimodal infrastructure, and utilize placemaking strategies to create activity centers that maximize first and last mile connections and increase the reach of transit. The outcome of the Southeast Denver Mobility Hubs Study will be a strategic action plan that aims to energize the three stations and enhance the connectivity between activity centers within the one-mile areas of influence. To this end, the Consor team will be completing an evaluation of the pedestrian and bicycle networks around these three station areas and develop recommendations for implementable improvements that will result in enhanced safety, comfort, and overall access to the transit stations. Recommendations being considered include electrical vehicle (EV) charging, dockless mobility, public information displays, smart parking, RRFB signals, and ride-share pilots.
Project Highlights
- Evaluation for mulitmodal mobility planning
- Transportation Mobility Hubs will integrate various transportation modes to support multimodal infrastructure