Connecting far and wide, Consor’s network of national experts fulfill our communities’ transportation needs—from enhancing day-to-day operations to solving the most complex infrastructure challenges. Consor’s portfolio spans small-scale, local agency engineering assignments to billion-dollar, federally funded bridge and freeway projects.
Transportation Expertise
Featured Projects

Pedestrian Improvement Program
Consor is developing a new Pedestrian Intersection Improvement Program using best practices from Denver's peer cities.

Homestead Extension of the Florida Turnpike (HEFT) Widening and Express Lane
Consor is providing CS services for an $111.5M design-build that widens SR 821 to 10 travel lanes and four express lanes.

Kauai County Bridge Inspections
Consor provides bridge inspection for Kauai County under a general bridge inspection services contract.

Foresthill Bridge Seismic Retrofit
Seismic evaluation of the existing bridge, development of the seismic strategy, and PS&R development.

Sunset Road – Silverbell Road to I-10
The Sunset Road Project includes a new multi-modal arterial roadway, a shared-use path, and a new bridge.