Transportation Public Outreach Strategy and Communications
Main Street Green Street: Consor provided public outreach for the design and construction of Phase I of the Main Street Improvement Project and will soon be providing outreach for Phase II. This outreach includes working directly with local business owners on strategies for drawing people to downtown, updating them on construction that could impact their businesses, and encouraging private investment for façade and sidewalk improvements. Our team provided weekly updates as well as “contractor coffees” — a gathering where project team members were available to answer questions. Business profiles on the City’s project webpage and images showing the progress of street improvements helped keep the public informed and aware of the activities going on downtown.
SW 72nd Avenue: SW 72nd, is a major through route and provides access for big-box retailers and their customers. Street widening limited use of the road for several weeks. Consor met with nearby businesses and created a mailing for every property owner in the vicinity to notify them of the project. The road closures went off without a hitch.
New Burnham Street: Consor developed a communications plan that provided necessary outreach to business and property owners affected by the two-year Burnham Street construction. The firm also assisted the City with ongoing communications — arranging public meetings and preparing news releases, fact sheets, and website materials — to keep the public informed about the project. New Burnham Street was awarded the national Project of the Year Award by the American Public Works Association.
City of Tigard Water Division Communications On-Call: Consor has been supporting the City of Tigard’s water utility with communications and outreach materials for many years. Assignments have included reviewing the staff-written Know H2O newsletter and Consumer Confidence Report, providing creative ideas for content and photos, updating and reorganizing the City’s water-focused webpages, promoting the transition to Tigard’s new water supply, and providing rate communications support.
Project Highlights
- Construction communications strategy, planning and implementation
- Public outreach strategy, planning, and execution
- Messaging, educational materials, newsletters, and mailings
- Website content development