Sunset Reservoir and Pump Station Rehabilitation
Consor provided design services for the rehabilitation of the Sunset Reservoir Water Supply System for the El Paso Water (EPWater). The Sunset site consists of two 4 mg ground concrete storage tanks that are approximately 100 years old. The Sunset booster station is also situated on site to transfer water to the upper pressure zone. The project consists of conducting a structural condition assessment on both tanks, developing detailed design for the rehabilitation of the tanks, and the design for the replacement of the yard piping system at the site. As the project was progressing, an earthquake occurred west of El Paso that resulted in a leak at one of the reservoirs. EPWater then elevated the project’s priority to emergency status. Consor quickly coordinated with construction contractors to identify the use of carbon fiber reinforced polymer concrete as the fastest and most cost-efficient way to restore the tanks structural integrity. The entire project was delivered via a fast-tracked hybrid design-build method to allow the client beneficial use of the rehabilitated reservoir by September 2020.