Statewide Routine and Underwater Bridge Inspection
Consor provides NBIS qualified inspection personnel and necessary equipment to inspect on- and off-system bridges statewide according to Utah DOT, NBIS, and FHWA standards. Consor inspects 10 to 40 structures a month including timber, steel, and concrete structures performing routine, NSTM, complex, and special inspections. UAS (drones) are utilized to photo document decks rated a 5 or less and inspect parts of the structure that are not easily visible or inaccessible from the ground. Consor uses InspectX software developed with UDOT to document and photo deficiencies in the field and to finalize reports in the office which are then submitted in BrM. Pin and hanger inspections include UT Pin testing performed by Consor staff located in Evanston, WY. Consor also provides emergency response to UDOT as needed (earthquake, flood, fire, etc.).