I-75 Express Lanes for Segment-E
Broward County, Florida
Consor provided construction engineering and inspection services for this $75M project to increase capacity and improve safety by adding to the I-75 express managed lanes, which begins at the I-595 and SR 84 interchange to south of Griffin Road. Located in Broward County, the project includes the construction of a new four-lane toll road within the existing 166-ft. median, ingress ramps, toll gantry and equipment building, ITS system, drainage, a new reversible bridge, MSE wall, soundwall, and landscaping. The total length of the project was approximately 4.640 miles (4.255 miles of roadway and 0.386 miles of bridge). The project included:
- New roadway (I-75 express lanes in median with connector ramps to I-595 express lanes and SR 84)
- New drainage system installation (including swales and dry ponds) fender system
- New hi-level bridge ramp
- New MSE wall
- New soundwall
- New toll gantry, equipment building, and ITS system
- Landscaping