Golden Gate Bridge Underwater Inspection


Consor provided underwater inspection services for the South and North Tower Piers and the South Tower Pier Fender of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California. Inspections services for this project included visual assessments of the underwater surfaces from water line to rock or mud line to identify obvious structural defects, cleaning portions of the structures to identify damage and deterioration hidden by marine growth, and performing selective non-destructive and/or destructive testing if warranted. Sonar scanning and imaging were specified prior to performing Level I and Level II inspections. The sonar scanning and imaging were used to create a bathymetric map that extends 100 ft. from the South Tower Fender and North Tower Pier.  A detailed engineering report was prepared for each inspection summarizing the procedures and work plan, locations of the work, daily inspection reports, photos and videos, bathymetric maps plotted to scale (including a plan view of the piers), inspection results, pertinent findings, and recommendations for repairs.