City of Salem On-Call Strategic Planning
For more than a decade under a Consultant of Record agreement to provide on-call public information services for the City of Salem, our firm has provided services and products including: public outreach, stakeholder contacts, meeting facilitation, strategic communications, crisis communications, technical writing and editing, graphic design, public opinion research, position papers, public information materials, speeches and talking points, video production, advertising and news media liaison. Representative assignments are highlighted below.
Utility Customer Communications: In an effort to educate policymakers and customers about the Cost of Service Analysis (COSA) update, an improved monthly billing format, and the need for moderate rate increases, the City of Salem engaged B&W to develop a strategic communications plan and provide ongoing public relations support.
Salem Development Code Rewrite: Consor developed branding and messaging and a detailed public outreach plan to support the City’s goal to update the Code through a transparent process and provide ample opportunities for Code user participation. Along with the outreach plan, our team created innovative tools to elicit two-way feedback.
Morningside 360° Neighborhood Plan: Consor assisted Salem’s Community Development Department to design and implement public involvement for an update of the Morningside Neighborhood Plan. Consor also created project branding, messaging, survey tools, and PowerPoint presentations and helped facilitate the project kickoff.
Project Highlights
- Crisis communications
- Facilitation services
- Technical writing and editing
- Public opinion research
- Public outreach strategy, planning, and execution