407 East Extension
Phase 1: Consor was part of the design-build team providing detailed design services for Segment 2 of the three total segments and leading the detailed design for 50% of the highway, structural, drainage, tolling, ATMS, utilities, and electrical, traffic management and illumination efforts. The $1B Phase 1 involved detail design of 4- and 6-lane rural divided freeway with 24 bridges and 7 culverts. Additional design components included drainage design for the highway, electrical, and design of noise wall and foundation for toll gantries. Drainage design required zero impacts to upstream and downstream of all streams. Several streams with fish habitat had enhanced requirements for water quality and temperature control. Structure spans were checked for applicable clearances early, and various beam types were studied for cost, constructability, and availability of forms and fabricators. We worked closely with the fabricators to simplify rebar and girder fabrication.
Several water crossings required coordination with Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA). Overpasses were constructed in two phases to avoid impact to traffic on existing crossing roads. We performed a structures optimization study to achieve cost efficient design by analyzing different beam typical sections to find the most suitable one, for the different structural scenarios in the project, by optimizing span length, substructure, and beam spacing for all the structures and by normalizing bents and develop efficient section properties for all structural elements. We also completed foundation optimization study to evaluate different types of foundation based on different loads depending on span length and span configuration.
Our firm also completed transversal study to find the most suitable and cost-effective beams for the different structural scenarios in the project depending on span length, bridge width, beam spacing, overhang, and number of strands. We utilized reverse stacking analysis, alignment shifting, and balancing cut and fills to optimize roadways.
Phase 2: Eastern Segments of the $1.2B Highway 407 East Extension Phase 2 design-build project included four new interchanges and one direct connector and extended the highway a total of 22 km East West and 10 km North South. CONSOR was responsible for the East West portion and a small portion of North South of the toll road which included detail design of 22 km of 4 lane sections, east from Harmony Road in Oshawa, Ontario to Highway 35/115 in Clarington, Ontario and from Highway 407 East Mainline to Taunton Road in Clarington, Ontario. Design included 50 bridge and culvert structures, drainage, detention ponds, retaining and sound walls, traffic engineering for illumination, signal plans, traffic control plans, temporary and permanent traffic signs/signals, pavement marking, and ATMS/ITS design.
Project Highlights
- Project included structural, drainage, tolling, ATMS, utilities, and electrical, traffic management and illumination efforts.