SR-4/Balfour Road Interchange
Contra Costa Transportation Authority, CA
Consor developed the Project Study Report/Project Report and PS&E package for the construction of a grade-separated interchange at State Route 4 and Balfour Road in the City of Brentwood. This interchange replaced an at-grade intersection and included the construction of bridges, utility relocation, drainage facilities, and traffic signals. The team also led the effort in coordinating with Caltrans, Contra Costa Transportation Authority, City of Brentwood, the local regional water quality control board, and various utility agencies.
Project Highlights
- The project included significant utility relocations involving PG&E transmission towers, PG&E underground joint trench construction with AT&T, Comcast and the City participating, relocation of a 10-inch Kinder Morgan high pressure oil line and booster station, Contra Costa Water District 90-inch Los Vaqueros Pipeline.
- Consor led the efforts with the East Contra Costa Habitat Conservancy, by coordinating permitting agreements and monitoring requirement
- The project received a 2019 APWA Northern California Project of the Year award